July 27, 2007

Michigan Trip (Part IV) - The Fourth of July

For the Fourth of July we all went to St. Johns City Park to hear some music and watch fireworks. Last year I slept through the festivities because I had my 2 month vaccinations and I was pooped out. This year, I'm a big boy and I got to stay up late and enjoy the birthday party. Happy Independence Day! Check out all the fun I had.

The Blue Lake Faculty Festival Band provided some patriotic and classical music. They even played Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture with cannon fire and all. They were great.

Mommy and Daddy's feet were really tapping.

There was a big crowd there. Sarah's mom, Mrs. Newman, was even there. She sat with us. She's real nice. Sarah is Mommy's best friend from St. Johns. I hear she is real nice too, but I haven't met her yet. She lives in Wisconsin.

The fireworks began with a bang.

Daddy was a little afraid of the big noises, so I comforted him.

There's Grammy and Grampy watching the fireworks.

That's me with Mommy enjoying the show.

Even Uncle Rich was there too.

Another shot of Grandma and Grandpa watching the fireworks explode.

I had such a great time in Michigan. I'm already packing my bags for the next trip. See ya soon.

July 21, 2007

My Michigan Trip - Part III (Cookout with the Cousins)

While we were in Michigan we went up to Gladwin to visit my great grandmother. Then we all went to Beaverton for a cookout. My great aunt and uncle, and my cousins were there. We had lots of good food; juicy steaks and salads and some great desserts. I even got to eat some things that I never get to eat at home (thanks, Aunt Cinda).

I got to pretend ride in a neat cart, I splashed my feet in the pool, I played in the sandbox, and I even got to push the button on Virgil's fart noise maker. The best thing of all was visiting with my relatives that I don't get to see very often.

Check out the pictures.

Here are Arika and Anna in the pool.

The gang.

Ahh! There's nothing like being in Grammy's arms. Check out the corn growing in the background. It was really a neat place.

Hanging with Grampy and Grammy.

Aunt Sis let me eat the good stuff. Not to mention the Coors Light and the PBR (just kidding - they're my Dad's).

Check out my hanging spoon trick. Alex is real impressed.

A great trip down the slide.

Virgil, Grandma Great, and Uncle Don hanging by the pool.

Wow! I had lots of fun.

Here's my Grandma Great. She always makes me smile.

My great Aunt Cinda sure knows how to make me happy. Check out Virgil's Dr. Fart machine in my hand. That made me happy too.

It was a great night.

Here's my really cool ride in the cart. There are no pictures of Mitchell though. He's too fast to be caught by a camera.

Bye-bye for now. I'll post my first fireworks photos soon.

July 16, 2007

My Trip - Part II (Grammy and Grampy's yard)

Here's the second in a series of reports on my trip to Michigan. But first a quick look at my new haircut that I got today! Daddy got one last week. Check out the 2 handsome guys with their summer haircuts.

Posing with our haircuts.

Here are some photos from my romps around Grammy and Grampy's yard in Michigan. It was so much fun. They have a much bigger and flatter yard than I have at home. Don't tell Daddy, but it is also much better maintained.

Grammy filled this pool with water (she even warmed it a little). I had the greatest time splashing around.

Grammy took me around the whole yard and we tested out my new back pack.

Grammy has lots of beautiful flowers. I smelled them and even pulled off some petals, but I always put them back on when I was done.

There were these great little metal bells that looked like flowers. When I hit them they made a nice chiming noise.

Another beautiful flower.

The pool was so refreshing on a hot day. And nothing makes me scream more than splashing in the water.

Grammy and Grampy have this great trailer that they take on trips (sometimes to visit me). Here I am leaning on it.

There was this great Bar Harbor bell. I pulled the metal triangle and it sounded like a buoy in the ocean. After the adults discovered a small bee hive in the bell, they didn't let me play with it anymore. They're no fun. Where's their sense of adventure?

Here I am inspecting the trailer.

More splashing.

I can't wait to get back there to do some more romping. Bye-bye for now. Coming soon in the series will be my first fireworks show.

July 15, 2007

My Trip to Michigan

I celebrated the week of the Fourth of July in St. Johns, Michigan (the Mint Festival City) with my Mom and Dad. We spent a whole week visiting with Grammy, Grampy, Uncle Rich, Grandma Great, and my Michigan cousins. Even my Grandpa from Massachusetts came to visit me there.

I did lots of fun things and saw lots of wonderful people. Be sure to check my blog often this week, as I provide more details about my trip.

Here is the first report on our exciting trip. We visited the playground in the city park on Sunday, July 1. It was a lot of fun.

I rode on a purple dinosaur with Grammy. I wasn't even scared.

Daddy sent me down the slide.

I drove a big wooden truck with Daddy.

Grammy helped me down the steep ramp.

There were lots of fun places to explore.

I went real fast down the slide with Mommy.

Bye-Bye for now. Check back soon for more updates.
Love, Lennon

July 11, 2007

My Best Buddy's Birthday Party

My best buddy John turned 1 in June. His family had a big party for him and Mommy, Daddy and I were all invited!

John wore a crown with a 1 on it and enjoyed some melon while sitting on his mommy's lap.

The music lady from school came to celebrate John's big day. She played guitar and flute. She sang and passed out instruments, scarves and bubbles.

John and his daddy enjoyed the sound of the flute and the bubbles.

Olivia from our class came to celebrate, too. Here she is with her mom and brother, Evan. (That's me behind Evan, wearing my Curious George overalls.)

You can see that Olivia, Mommy and I were very entertained by the music lady. (She oats banonos and oapples!)

There was a lot of yummy food to try. John's yard had a nice lawn, and I had an awesome green balloon to play with the whole time.

John dove into a big piece of his birthday cake. I think he may have made an even bigger mess than I did with my first piece! Way to go, Jack!!!

Happy birthday, buddy! And thanks for letting us share your big day!!!