December 19, 2008

A Christmas Wish for You


to all

and to all a good night.

December 12, 2008

The Icestorm Cometh

Thursday night we got hit with a pretty bad ice storm. It had rained for a couple of days and the trees were saturated. Around midnight a heavy rain turned to ice and coated all the trees. The many large evergreens in our yard could not handle the massive weight of the ice, and at least a dozen large branches came crashing to the ground. Throughout the night you could hear the snap of branches, the crack of ice, and the boom of large, heavy limbs hitting the ground. Occasionally in the distance you could see blue flashes of either lightening or transformers blowing. Although it made for a mostly sleepless night (for Daddy at least), we were very fortunate in that we never lost power, or had any branches hit the house. Check out the photos and video clips.

It was quite beautiful, despite of its destructive power. Although the million people in New England without power and heat, including Auntie Lee Ann and family, may disagree.

Some limbs in the backyard near the northwest corner.

The fence in the northwest corner took a pretty good beating. The branches didn't look big enough to do much damage, but with the weight of the ice on them, they packed quite a wallop.

Another view of the fence damage.

The fence looking toward the neighbors yard.

Fence smashed.

A large limb down on the southwest side. The backyard smelled like a Christmas tree farm (very nice).

The stub of where a branch broke off.

The sun came out around 1 o'clock on Friday and the ice melted rapidly, causing downpours from the trees even though the sky was clear.

Some minor damage in the front where a couple of branches came down on the arborvitae.

Arborvitae cut in half.

I couldn't get the video clips to upload, but they can be viewed on YouTube by clicking HERE.

December 8, 2008

Beautiful Boy

Picasa (software for using digital photos) just added a movie making feature. So I thought I would try it. Check out the 4 minute montage of Lennon's first 2 and 1/2 years, set to John Lennon's moving tribute to his son.

If you have trouble viewing it in the blogger, try the YouTube link below:

Beautiful Boy video on YouTube

December 1, 2008

Santa Parade

We braved the cold and rain to see the Santa Parade on Sunday. We were not disappointed, as the big man made his appearance on a firetruck.

Sam and me on our viewing platforms.

Enjoying the parade.

Some cute little snowmen.

Lots of candy was handed out. Here I am enjoying a lollipop.

The man of the hour.

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CJ'S Birthday

CJ is 11. We helped him celebrate with some cake.

Cakes through the years.

CJ through the years.
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