April 14, 2008

Spring Training

It's time to get in shape for the Summer. I have to look good in my bathing suit while relaxing on the beach. Check out my workout regimen.

A little run around the park.

A few pull-ups.

A couple of sit-ups.

Some heavy lifting.

And of course, a few laps in the pool. I'll be in lifeguard shape any day now. See you on the beach.
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April 8, 2008

Me and My Shadow

I just love following my cats around. Raja tolerates me much better than Jezi.

It's time for Spring cleaning. And it's time for some Spring weather.

April 4, 2008

My First Trip to the Emergency Room

Wow, what I week I've had! I've been sick all week and I have a double ear infection (no fun). Today (on Daddy's watch) I fell and gashed my forehead. I went to the Lawrence General Hospital and they put some skin glue on my cut.

I'm looking forward to a new week.

My war wound.