March 29, 2008

My First Poo Poo on the Potty

I've been taking a seat on my potty for some time now, but I was never able to actually do my business on the throne. That all changed today, when I told my Mommy I wanted to go potty, and then I did.

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Working on it.

WARNING: The following photos have graphic content (poo poos) and may be offensive or disgusting to some viewers. Please view on, only if you have an appreciation for a little boy's first potty success.

Admiring the work.

A clean flush. I got to flush it myself.
And yes, of course, I washed my hands.

March 28, 2008

Easter Photos

I had a fun Easter. We visited my cousins in Haverhill for a delicious meal and good company.

Elizabeth Caroline (aka Baby Elle)

Playing with cousin Will.

CJ looking funny in his bunny ears.

A hug from Sammy.

Easter eggs that I helped color (and eat).

Upside down pineapple cake that I helped make (and eat).

Little drummer boy (it's not just for Christmas anymore).

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Elle looking cute with Papa.

March 17, 2008

My New Mickey Shirt and The Attack of the Red Balloon

Grammy and Grampy sent me this great Mickey Mouse shirt for Easter. I got a pair of Mickey pants too, but it was the shirt I had to put on right away. Thanks Grammy and Grampy.

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I love to have Mommy or Daddy blow up a balloon and then let it go. I get so excited when it goes around and around. If it comes too close to me, I get an excited/scared look on my face. But when it stops I run to pick it up, and I ask for more. Check out the video of me and the red balloon in action.

March 5, 2008

Home Repair

Grammy and Grampy came to visit recently. As usual, they did many projects around the house. I helped with most of them. Here I am helping Grampy with the molding beneath the dishwasher.

Making sure Grampy puts the screw in straight.

Showing him just how it's done.